Féach ar an bhfíseán tosaigh!

The tree map

Welcome to our LILAC module for teachers!

In this module, we will reflect on the transition from classroom-based to online language teaching and on the skills and competencies required to become an effective online language teacher. 

To move online successfully  you should start by (re)activating your digital skills,  which, like the roots of a tree, lay the foundations for this transition.  Digital skills are fostered by organisational skills, which, like vital nourishment, sustain your work and your different roles, while also and helping you to expand and renew your pedagogical, social and evaluative competencies.

Our TREE MAP  (see image) illustrates suggested elements of this transition.

The tree map explained

To successfully move to e-teaching, you should activate your digital skills (the gearwheel) which, like the roots of a tree, lay the foundations for this transition.  Digital skills are fostered by the organisational skills which, like vital nourishment, sustain your language teaching awareness, your social and pedagogical roles as well as your assessor role, all elements of paramount importance in online teaching and learning. 

The structure

The Teachers’ module comprises of 5 units. Each unit focuses on a specific aspect of e-learning and is divided into lessons. The content in each unit and lesson is totally autonomous and independent. So feel free to  follow the suggested sequential order (from Unit 1 to Unit 5) or jump around the units/ lessons to delve into aspects of particular interest to you. All lessons have been designed to be visually appealing and as highly engaging as possible through the use of  innovative educational tools and software programmes such as H5P, Genially and Canva. 

At the end of each Unit, you will find a final quiz to self-assess your learning. You will receive immediate, automatic feedback on your answers and you can take each quiz as many times as you wish.

Before starting with the module, take a virtual tour of our interactive glossary of e-learning terminology for teachers which gives you an overview of the most commonly used e-learning terms.

Are you ready?

To browse through the units quickly, click/tap on the interactive Tree Map picture, which acts as a visual table of contents, or use the main menu.